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Personal PT with Leon..

Leon has over 20 years experience as a personal trainer worked with a wide variety of clients, aged 11 to 84 years, with a plethora of abilities and goals. From people with physical disabilities to athletes and almost everyone in between. He has assisted them in losing weight, gaining muscle, increasing general fitness as well as enhancing motor skills, strength and endurance in athletes from sports such as tennis, motor racing, athletics and bodybuilding.

More recently he spent 5 wonderful years as a P.E teacher here in Northern Cyprus, working with children aged 5 to 11, improving the health and wellbeing of his students, as well as implementing the schools athletics team with great success.

He is also a certified nutrition advisor, sports therapist, circuit training, spinning and kickboxercise coach who is able to provide fun, safe and effective group exercise classes.

60 mins one to one sessions will of course be tailored to your specific needs and available for a supplementary charge.

Freedom from Self Sabotage with Ingrid..

What is Self-Sabotage?

We all take part in daily self-sabotage without realising it, as it can be conscious or subconscious! It is often caused by our need to ā€˜fit inā€™.

An example of conscious self-sabotage is deciding to eat cake, despite a goal to eat healthily. Unconscious self-sabotage happens when a personal goal or value has been undermined but not initially recognized.

Self-sabotage is when we destroy ourselves physically, mentally, or emotionally or deliberately hinder our own success and wellbeing by undermining personal goals and values. But it is not our fault as we have been programmed from birth!

Self-sabotage can deplete our drive and motivation, leaving us sad, anxious, and with damaged self-esteem and dulls our natural shine.

What does a Freedom from Self Sabotage coaching session involve?

There are 5 main self-sabotage profiles: Pain aversion/child-like mind, Firestarter, Economic, Victim and Failure to thrive.

Freedom from self-sabotage coaching aims at re-programming the sub-conscious to a positive mindset by up-regulating your self-beliefs and releasing yourself from the shackles of needing to fit in.

The session would then be in 4 parts:

An identifying of the self-sabotage type; A banishment ceremony and ushering in new beliefs; How we are programmed; Hypnotherapy to help to install new sub conscious belief patterns.

90 mins one to one sessions available on request for a supplementary charge during the retreat week!

Crystal Healing with Ingrid..

Crystals are natural rocks or minerals that have an energy field that can interact with the human bodyā€™s own energy field, providing a range of benefits so can be used to treat the mind, body, and spirit holistically.

Our bodies are composed of energy which flows through us freely along pathways known as meridians. If these pathways become blocked, our energy can become stagnant, and we may begin to experience physical or emotional problems.

Placing certain crystals, on specific points known as chakras, on the body, can unblock these energetic pathways and allow the energy to flow freely once again.

Sometimes crystals can be placed around the body in a specific pattern, known as a grid, which can help to amplify the healing energy of the crystals. 

Each type of crystal has its own unique energies and properties that can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions such as Amethyst, Quartz, Tourmaline, Jasper, Tigers Eye, to name just a few.

Your one-to-one session (60 mins) would involve an identifying of the physical or emotional problem by scanning the chakras for imbalance, cleansing, and then energising the chakras, and lastly, re-aligning and sealing the chakras.

Conscious Living with Julia and Leon..

Meet Julia and Leon, a married couple and gifted mediums who have garnered a reputation for their exceptional meditation sessions and chakra healing expertise. With an unwavering commitment to spiritual growth and personal transformation, they have become trusted guides for clients from all walks of life, including some of the most esteemed individuals in their field.

Through their meditation sessions, Julia and Leon create a sacred space where individuals can explore the depths of their consciousness, release limiting beliefs, and discover newfound clarity and purpose. Their unique blend of traditional meditation techniques and intuitive guidance allows clients to experience profound moments of insight while cultivating a deep sense of tranquility and harmony.

In their chakra healing workshops, Julia and Leon draw upon their mediumship abilities to attune to the subtle energies of the body and facilitate transformative healing. By working with the chakras, they help individuals restore balance, clear energetic blockages, and foster a renewed sense of vitality and well-being. Their empathetic approach and profound connection with the spirit realm create an environment of healing and growth that leaves participants feeling empowered and inspired.

Testimonial: I am not very spiritual, but when due to a very dramatic circumstances in my country's life, I drastically went down and became completely lost in what to do with my life. It was Julia and Leon's words which saved me. Anastasia, Russia

90 mins Conscious Living session available at a supplement!

Hiking the Bespinar Trail..

The Kyrenia mountain range is a beautifully picturesque aspect of this wonderful island which I have enjoyed exploring for several years.

Encompassed by the deeply profound energy of nature you can enjoy the wonderful scent of pine forests, various wild flora and stunning views of the Islandsā€™ landscape, which are truly a sight to behold. Make sure your phones and cameras are fully charged.

Our guided hikes on the ā€˜Baspinar trailā€™ have been traversed by various civilisations thought to date back to the Mycenaeans around the 15th century B.C. If you know where to look you will be able to spot evidence of the ancient history of this very special island.

The trails are suitable for most people with an average level of fitness and ability to walk for up to 3 hours along a gently inclining rugged path, with a few breaks for photos, water and meditation. The meditations will be short and easy to follow with a focus on stress relief and enhancing your sense of wellbeing using simple breathing and visualisation techniques. So whether you have meditated before or it will be your first time you will still be able to enjoy the benefits of this.

180 mins hike included within the retreat journey and additional personalised routes available at a supplement. 

Introduction to Turkish Cooking..

Would you like to be introduced to Turkish Cuisine whilst enjoying your Wellness Retreat?

We will share the details of the ingredients typically used, and teach you how to prepare and combine these in different ways. Select 5 of your preferred dishes from our list of starters and mains during our consultations prior to your arrival. After a brief explanation of the dishes and their origins in English, you will be involved in each step of the preparation process for 2 to 3 hours. 

Your fellow guests will be joining you to dine at the end of the cooking session, this will be your opportunity to share your personal highlights of the retreat and to enjoy the final evening together, accompanied with some glasses of wine from our renowned North Cyprus Vineyard. Vegetarians, allergies, gluten-intolerance and other dietary requirements can all be accommodated.

There is the added bonus, that you should be able to recreate the same dishes when you return home for your family and friends!

Ezme (Spicy Tomato Salad)
A Turkish style of the world-renowned Spanish salsa or the Argentinian Chimichurri Sauce, this crimson, spicy dish is a beautiful accompaniment to any red meat dish or simply served as part of a delicious Meze feast.

Kisir (Cracked Wheat Salad)
The main ingredient in Kısır is the fine bulgur, which is typically soaked in hot water to soften it before being mixed with various flavorful ingredients. The softened bulgur is packed with a variety of herbs onion and lemon juice. Kısır is not only delicious, but also nutritious, as it is packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals from the vegetables and bulgur. It is a suitable choice for vegetarians and vegans.

Mucver (Turkish Zucchini Fritters)

Zucchini fritters are a classic Turkish dish thatā€™s ready in 30 minutes. Grated zucchini, fresh herbs, and an optional extra with Helim. Delicious with a garlic yoghurt dipā€¦ maybe with a few chili flakes for a little kick.

Cigeri (Liver & Onions)

SautƩed Liver coated in seasoned flour, served with red onion, parsley, sumac, and lemon juice.

Karniyarik Turkish Stuffed Eggplant

Karniyarik is a classic Turkish stuffed eggplant recipe. Delicious eggplants are stuffed with tasty ground beef, pepper, and tomato filling and are baked to perfection.

Zeytinyağlı Pırasa (Braised Leeks with Olive Oil)
A personal favorite of mine - Leeks braised in a tangy sauce. The key ingredient of the sauce is a good quality extra virgin olive oil, and just enough lemon juice to make it tangy without getting too sour. Wonderful served chilled with fresh hot village bread.

Pitta Pockets

Grilled Helim or Sucuk and fresh tomatoes in toasted pitta bread

Sigara Borek (Cheese Pastry Cigars)

Helim, feta, and mint in a wrapped crispy phyllo sheet

Firin Markarna (Baked Macaroni)

This is a very popular Turkish version of lasagna, without the tomato sauce! A layer of long tubes of macaroni covered with seasoned mincemeat topped with a rich Helim & mint cheese sauce, finished with a crusty layer of grated Helim and cheddar. Wonderful with a fresh green salad.

Kuru Fasulye with Lamb (Dried white beans with lamb)

Kuru Fasulye is a hearty, rich Turkish stew made with white beans and diced lamb or beef slowly cooked in tomato sauce. Served with Turkish Rice Pilaf. We can also offer a vegetarian option.

Massages by Joyce..

Joyce understands that everyone is unique, and she thrives on tailoring her massage and therapy sessions to meet your specific needs with caring and humanised process.

Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage - 60 mins

Embark on a rejuvenating journey with our Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage massage, designed to detoxify and refresh your body. This specialised technique, originating from the vibrant culture of Brazil, focuses on stimulating the lymphatic system to remove toxins and excess fluids. Gentle, rhythmic strokes are applied to key areas, enhancing circulation and promoting a healthier lymph flow. The treatment is both therapeutic and deeply relaxing, leaving you with a sense of lightness and well-being. Experience a unique blend of detoxification and indulgence, perfect for revitalizing both mind and body.

Feet Massage ā€“ 20 mins

Massaging feet post-walk or pre-sleep naturally soothes, boosts circulation and helps the body unwind, mirroring nature's calm rhythm into rest.

Abdominal Manupira Massage ā€“ 30 mins

Manipura massage focuses on the solar plexus chakra, aiming to release stored emotions and energy blockages, enhancing personal power and emotional balance.

Back and Neck Massage ā€“ 30 mins

The massage relieve tension and enhance circulation, targeting muscle knots and stress points to reduce pain and promote relaxation. The pressure applied helps release endorphins, easing discomfort and boosting mood.

Ayurvedic Massage ā€“ 60 mins

This massage uses herbal oils in a full body experience manipulating key points, tailored according to your needs. What makes it different from a regular massage? Do not expect an excess amount of actual massaging, the treatment is much more focused on manipulating your energy fields and freeing emotional burden, as opposed to working out the kinks in your muscles. As a result, you will be glowing, the glow comes from the inside out, opens your mind and your heart to experience the benefits in your body, mind, and soul.

Therapeutic Massage ā€“ 60 mins

Full body Therapeutic massage to treat physical conditions, enhancing healing, relieving pain, and improving function by manipulating soft tissues to restore the body's balance.

Detox Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage - 60 mins

Embark on a rejuvenating journey with our Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage massage, designed to detoxify and refresh your body. This specialised technique, originating from the vibrant culture of Brazil, focuses on stimulating the lymphatic system to remove toxins and excess fluids. Gentle, rhythmic strokes are applied to key areas, enhancing circulation, and promoting a healthier lymph flow. The treatment is both therapeutic and deeply relaxing, leaving you with a sense of lightness and well-being. Experience a unique blend of detoxification and indulgence, perfect for revitalizing both mind and body.

Candlelit Serenity Escape - Full Body Massage with Candle - 60 mins

Immerse yourself in the calming glow of candlelight as your body is treated to a full massage. The warm, aromatic oils from the candle enhance the massage experience, providing deep relaxation and skin nourishment. This ritual promotes tranquillity and relieves tension.

Detox Green Clay Ritual - 120 mins

Green Clay Body Wrap + Massage Drainage Lymphatic + Herbal Tea Ceremony Green Clay Detox Ritual inspired by ancient wellness practices. Harnessing the natural benefits of mineral-rich clay, this ritual aims to draw out impurities, cleanse, and promote overall detoxification. The clay's unique properties help to Detox the body and revitalize the skin with its harmonious blend of relaxation and detoxification.

Crystal Energy Facial Oasis - 60 mins

Energetic Crystal Face Massage + Mask + Head/Neck Massage. Harness the energy of crystals in this rejuvenating facial ritual. The crystal face massage stimulates energy flow, promoting radiant results. The mask nourishes and revitalizes the skin, while the head massage induces deep relaxation. This ritual enhances facial tone, giving you a refreshed and glowing appearance.

Face Mask & Massage ā€“ 20 mins

Collagen/lift face mask using a combination of natural oils.

Massage and therapy sessions to meet your specific needs.

Sound Healing with Barbora..

Sound healing is a form of healing that uses different vibrations to heal the body, mind and spirit. It works on two principles: That different emotions vibrate at different levels, and that blocked, or unexpressed emotions, are the main source of dis-ease. The body is held together by sound. The presence of disease indicates that some of the sounds have gone out of tune.

Barbora's 60 mins one to one sessions encompasses a powerful therapy using sound healing instruments to improve our multidimensional well-being. Deep relaxation is the most significant benefit of sound healing, followed by its energetic deep tissue massage effect caused by the sound vibrations that open and balance the chakras, whilst releasing stuck energy.

Sound Healing is used to alleviate symptoms caused by many conditions, including anxiety.

Deepak Chopra - The sound vibrations of the sound healing instruments penetrate deep into the tissue. This improves blood circulation and metabolism, regulates muscle tension, and deeply stimulates the tissue. Moreover, regeneration and repair mechanisms are stimulated.

60 mins private one to one sessions available at a supplementary charge.

Breath work and cold water therapy with Barbora..

Frequent exposure to cold is linked to a few different health benefits and scientists have found evidence that exposure to cold speeds up metabolism. Another benefit of exposing your body to cold is that it reduces inflammation, swelling, and sore muscles.

  • Cold shower or bath - we gradually reduce the temperature and increase the length of time you spend in cold water as your body gets used to it.
  • Swimming - we build up the time you spend in the water slowly.

We follow this with a breath work session consisting of deep abdominal breathing. Various breathing practices in which the conscious control of breathing is said to influence a person's mental, emotional, or physical state, with a therapeutic effect.

Our guests will find breathwork helpful for relaxation and stress in a similar way to meditation. The body releases old toxins, emotional blockages and trauma and brings new energy into your system.

North Cyprus Horse Riding..

If you are a beginner or experienced rider, this excursion is good fun and a dream for viewing the countryside and local villages, guided by experienced riders.

Village and Forest Tour:

Take a tour on horseback through the beautiful village of Karsiyaka up into the pine forest on the mountainside, with fabulous views down to the Mediterranean Sea and across to Turkey. Lots of photo opportunities along the trail.

Coastal Tour (Not Beach):

See the Mediterranean up close on horseback. This tour takes you along the coast area of Lapta with fabulous views of the Mountain Range of Karsiyaka, one of the tallest peaks of the Besparmak Mountain Range as well as views of the Mediterranean Sea.

Monastery Tour:

Take the long and winding trail up to the Monastery above the village of Karsiyaka in the foothills of the Besparmak Mountain Range. The uninterrupted views across the village down to the Mediterranean Sea are second to none, offering fabulous photo opportunities.

Monastery Tour with Picnic:

Take the long and winding trail up to the Monastery above the village of Karsiyaka in the foothills of the Besparmak Mountain Range. A picnic of fresh pastries, fresh juice will be waiting for you as you enjoy the uninterrupted views across the village down to the Mediterranean Sea which are second to none. Fabulous photo opportunities.

Monastery Ride Up & Drive Back:

Want to take the long and winding trail up to the Monastery above the village of Karsiyaka but donā€™t really want to return on horseback? We can arrange for you to ride up, meet you at the Monastery and drive you back. Enjoy the uninterrupted views across the village down to the Mediterranean Sea which are second to none. Fabulous photo opportunities.

Special Occasion Tour:

Do you have something special to celebrate, an engagement, an anniversary or even a special birthday?

Private Lessons:

Fancy learning to ride a horse, we provide one-to-one lessons in a secure Menage.

Experienced rider classification: Able to Walk, Trott and Canter unaided and in a controlled manner.


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